5 Liter Sandblasted Bottle
We are now taking Pre-orders again for the next batch of these fantastic bottles arriving from Italy! You are welcome to check out what the design names look like, by scrolling through the SHOP.
Please note..we will have MORE of the 5LITER bottles arriving in early April 2025. The Plain are in still in stock now.
Pricing includes extra shipping costs for the large size of the cartons needed to ship these large bottles safely by Fed Ex Ground or USPS.
We are so excited to offer these amazing bottles to you!! Coming directly from Italy, these are the real deal of true blue glass made especially for energizing water with the frequency of BLUE…the primordial color frequency for water! These bottles are so epic and the sandblast is so big and beautiful!! The images are about 5″ in each direction, depending on the design and look fantastic on the bottles!
When transporting or setting the bottle out in the sun, please do not fill all the way to the very top. Leave at least 1″ at the top for some room for expansion. Also, do not leave longer than 15-30 minutes if the sun is exceedingly hot. You can leave the bottle in the shade for extended outdoor solarizing. Otherwise, 15 minutes is enough time to receive the benefits of the sunlight passing through the blue glass. Thank you for your careful attention to this detail.
And of course, do not put into the freezer or leave out when the weather is freezing. Another good way to keep pressure from building up inside the bottle when making Blue Solar Water is to just set the cap on top of the bottle, without locking it down. This way if any pressure does build up, the air can still escape. These bottles also can work on top of a dispense if you want to use them that way. You can either use an easy to find ceramic crock pot, readily available at various box stores and online. As for the other very special clear glass dispenser shown in the photos, that one comes from our friends at Alive Waters!
Follow this link, to ALIVE Waters Check out all the items they offer, but their glass dispenser is really nice for pairing with your Five Liter Bottle from Blue Bottle Love! And the Dispenser glass is made in Italy too! They also deliver incredible Spring Water to San Francisco, LA, and Austin-San Antonio area as well as in Florida from Miami to West Palm Beach. Use this COUPON CODE “9f” to receive 15% off your first Spring Water Delivery and/or glassware!
Please note, when you place the 5 liter on top of any dispenser, the water will stay inside Blue Bottle Love until there is an air release that allows the water to empty out. This is an amazing phenomenon…but it also allows the water to really get Blue’d Up…especially if there is some sunlight shining on it! Just tip the bottle a little and let some air in, and the water will dispense when the level of the water in the dispenser is lower than the mouthpiece of the 5 liter bottle. You can empty all the water into the dispenser and then fill up the 5 liter again!
**If there is a very tight seal between the 5 liter and the dispenser below, you will need to insert a small item — ideally flexible — between the bottle and dispenser, on two sides, to allow for a tiny amount of space to allow the air to flow, making an air gap, so that the water will dispense. Even the stem of a flower will work temporarily!
Five liters is a great amount of water to be able to stock up on, especially if you are gathering Spring Water…one of our favorite kinds of water! The glass is very thick and the bottles are solid and sturdy and very easy to hold with the nice sized finger grip.
When you are traveling in your car, be sure to put its seat belt on or secure it safely with towels or an appropriate container, so it does not roll around or tip over.
Please see the photo gallery to see our favorite method to carry these beauties in the car…a sturdy flat bottomed basket that fits snugly on floor of back seat, with a small sheepskin or towel to pad, support and insulate the water. The new swing top lid is very secure and works great, as long as it is sealed---but pressure can also build up inside if you are changing elevations or if there is significant temperature changes. Be sure to allow some expansion space inside the bottle and open the cap and release pressure!
These are the best bottles for making plenty of Blue Solar Water at one time. You can then fill other containers with your charged water. You may also be someone who wants to have this much water with them each day. These bottles are ideal for refilling with filtered water from home or from the store. Kangen Water LOVES to be held in these Beautiful bottles. The negative ORP stays activated for much longer than any other bottle. Please reach out if you would like more information on Kangen Water. SpringAqua Water, listed in our recommendation section, also LOVES to be held in Blue Bottle Love. And the ORP, molecular hydrogen and structure of this water is beautifully supported by the frequency of the BLUE!
These Blue Glass Water Bottles are really fantastic for holding Fresh Spring Water as the blue glass will only enhance rather than detract from the quality of the fresh spring water like plastic would. The best website to visit for finding a nearby spring to source your own Spring Water is Find A Spring! Check it out…these bottles are PERFECT for collecting Spring Water! Clear glass is great if you will be drinking the water soon, but if you collect spring water in the Blue Glass, you can store it longer and more safely, and you can actually improve the water by storing it in this beautiful vessel of primordial blue.
If you go out and you need more than 1 liter of water, but not 5 liters, this is still a great option! You have the choice filling up with 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 liters of water in this beauty!! Meaning, you don't HAVE TO fill it all the way up each time. So no more excuses of not having enough water with you! Fits into many coolers and backpack coolers as well. This is THE BOTTLE for storing your water! And we now have a super cool backpack cooler available on our site!
***If you are choosing to use on top of a dispenser….remember that these images will look best: Triskelion, Water Code, Water is Life is Love, Merkaba Dolphins, Dolphinitive Swirl, Hooponopono Lotus Circle and Eternal Lotus. These will all display nicely on the dispenser, since the designs are the same in the up and down orientations. Check out the photos to see how it fits! on the dispenser.
This bottle weighs 4.5 lbs empty and 15 lbs Full
The diameter is about 7″ and height is 14″
Gorgeous true blue glass is made in Italy.
Thick glass is durable and reusable.
Water stays fresh and clean and more hydrogen rich.
- 5 Liter holds plenty of Blue Solar Water.
- Exclusive Always ON Flip Top Cap.
Sandblasted Intention |
Water Code, Abundance, Ascension Alchemy, Awakening, Balance, Beelieve, Divine Love, Dolphin Merkaba, Dolphinitive Swirl, Eternal Lotus, Honu PonoPono Turtle, Ho`oponopono LGCF, Ho`oponopono Lotus Circle, Joyful Bliss, Love Swirl, Loving Waters, Mermaid, Moksha, Nectars of Life, Phoenix, Sri Yantra, Swirly Om, The Way Forward, Triskelion, Water Is Life Is Love, We are the Medicine |