The Water Code - Rainey Highley

The Water Code - Rainey Highley

Rainey Marie Highley is a water communicator and author of the award-winning book, The Water Code—Unlocking the Truth Within. Rainey Marie Highley is an amazing woman, called to action by Water!

In her book  The Water Code  she reveals the powerful new symbol which is the key that unlocks the information stored deep within the water molecules of our bodies, revealing the TRUTH about who we are, where we come from, and our highest purpose on Earth!

Water is intelligent.

Water is  living, conscious, and intelligent. Water is both highly advanced and quite ancient. It holds the key to our physical and non-physical origins, and also to our future. Now that the great shift has happened, our ability to communicate with water has increased. As our vibratory frequency continues to rise, we will find that communication with water will become easier. Learning to communicate with water is an act of true wisdom that could quickly propel humanity into a much more harmonious and peaceful existence.

Water speaks the language of reflection.

Anyone familiar with Dr. Emoto’s water crystal photos knows that water exposed to beautiful words, images, or music creates beautiful crystalline patterns. Water exposed to ugly or negative words forms unattractive shapes or no crystalline pattern at all. Water echoes the energy and vibration of the thing it is reflecting. Water is the law of attraction in action. It communicates in truth, revealing the frequency inside anything it encounters. Given that our bodies are made up primarily of water, one may wonder if it is the water in our bodies communicating with us when we get a strange “vibe” from someone. The water inside of us is our own personal truth meter. It pays to understand the language of water.

Water is the great record keeper.

In an infinite and orderly universe, where everything is structured and interconnected from spiraling galaxies to the intricacies of our human bodies to the complexities of our DNA, does it seem logical that our planetary records would be kept on stone tablets, paper scrolls, or even computer chips? Of course not! Our entire planetary history has been preserved inside the one thing on Earth that can never be destroyed…water. Our written records date back only a few thousand years but water has observed everything on this planet since its inception. Water is the ultimate storehouse of information on this planet and beyond. Thus, it is an act of great significance to better understand this highly advanced life form known as water.

Water is a bridge between dimensions.

When we see Dr. Emoto’s water crystal photos, we are seeing a reflection of the energy of a word, image, sound, or thing. However, we are also seeing something deeper. We are seeing inside the quantum realms. Water is acting as a lens into these inner realms, bridging these dimensions to our conscious perception and collective reality. Water has the unique ability to build new pathways between multiple realities. Acting as a universal translator, water leads us down these pathways, offering us insights into other dimensions and other worlds.

Water is the key to ascension.

As you know, water is the only natural substance on Earth able to transform from a solid to a liquid to a gas within the normal range of planetary temperatures. No other substance on the planet is able to move between forms so effortlessly. Consider the term, “ascension.” What does it mean to ascend? We know it means “raising our vibration” and the subsequent evolutionary advancement that accompanies such a shift. However, consider that ascension means transforming. Like water, humans are capable of moving into another physical form. If we are made up mostly of water, and water is able to transform from a solid to a liquid to a gas, would it not seem logical that the human body is also capable of such transformation?

Water is the true teacher, the master, the guide, and the sage. Water is both singular and plural. It is creation and destruction. Water is the life force of consciousness, comprising the very substance of life itself. As we awaken to the true nature of water, we also remember more about the true nature of ourselves.


The Water Code

The Water Code book is soo wonderful!!  This is the hardcopy…or if you would like to computer version pdf, please follow this link to get your Downloadable/PDF Full Color version for $8.88!!!  The Water Code by Rainey Highley  

This is an incredible  book written by our dear friend Rainey Highley.  This book was released in 2012 and it has such a powerful message from water.  We are so excited to offer this book and feel that EVERYONE needs to read it in order to assist our Earth through the unfolding Transformation that we are all going through.  Our time has come and our real work is beginning!

This book takes our understanding of water to the next level.  And once you start reading it is difficult to put it down!

The Water Code was selected to receive a 2012 Living Now Book Award as well!

This book is the source of the Key to Ascension which is THE WATER CODE symbol used on our bottles.

The Water Code reveals that water–in spite of its apparent simplicity, seemingly endless abundance, and presence within our physical bodies–is in fact, conscious and intelligent. The book explores the idea that water holds billions of years of planetary information within its molecular structure. The Water Code is more than just a book, however. It is an act of compassion on behalf of water, offering humanity the insights and tools necessary to facilitate Earth’s transformational jump into a new era of Harmony, Freedom, and Truth.

“As water reveals its TRUTH to you and reaches out to communicate with you, it asks that you raise your awareness to minimize the negative effect humans have on our planet and far beyond. In exchange for your increased awareness, compassion, and for ultimately raising your collective vibratory frequency, water shall assist you in unlocking the code embedded within each water molecule in your body. Water will show you the truth of who you are and will reveal the history of life on Planet Earth that has been hidden from you for so long. For it is only in understanding the Truth of who you are that you will be able to move forward into the full expression of who you are destined to become.”

“Water is the genius inside of us, the creative force, the path inward, the path beyond, the guardian of wisdom, and the key to Truth.”

The Water Code shares:

~ The highly intelligent nature of water

~ Techniques for establishing communication with water

~ Detailed steps for making harmonized drinking water.  (including Blue Bottle Love)

~ Methods for recognizing and energizing the 13 chakras

~ The sacred geometric KEY that unlocks the Water Code

~ A new meditation mandala called the “Key to Truth”

~ Secrets of the 9 quantum realms of the Microverse

Readers may consider this book a gift from water offering humanity the insights and tools necessary to facilitate Earth’s transformational jump into a new era of Harmony, Freedom and Truth.  This book is a perfect partner to the Water Code design water bottles!

The Water Code reveals that water–in spite of its apparent simplicity, seemingly endless abundance, and presence within our physical bodies–is in fact, conscious and intelligent. The book explores the idea that water holds billions of years of planetary information within its molecular structure. The Water Code is more than just a book, however. It is an act of compassion on behalf of water, offering humanity the insights and tools necessary to facilitate Earth’s transformational jump into a new era of Harmony, Freedom, and Truth.


The WATER CODE book is available as a digital download PDF from the author herself!  Visit Rainey Highley’s website to purchase this incredible PDF Full Color book for only $8.88 by digital download or else purchase the physical book!

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